Ok Fierce Family, I know I've been on a little hiatus from social platforms but I recently started back creating content for my YouTube channel as well as on Instagram and now here on the blog! Im glad to be back I've missed connecting with you all and I'm feeling renewed and focused. With all that being said I wanted to come share my plans on how I want to start leveling up my game to claim me a seat at the entrepreneur table. Being from a smaller state/city and being in the business that I'm interested in/doing there's not a lot of traction with that here and especially not 5 years ago so there was no-one to get advice from who knew about being a blogger, influencer/content creator. I decided to hang up my recording gloves after not getting the success I was hoping for on my videos then. Fast forward about 3 years content creation is probably one of the most sought after careers in this generation and there are some greats and to here the time frames of some of the bloggers I love to watch, I'm like wow if only I had kept going and leveling up my brand and for the most part a lot of them made the decision to move to better their careers so maybe that's why I didn't have the success I needed to have. Now I'm not giving up just taking a different approach since social media is so diverse and basically life operates off of wifi and cell phones so there's room at the table for me now!

When I decided to come back to film my entire world had changed, I was a new mom to a 3 month old baby boy and that consumed my every waking minute and even the minutes I didn't have. I was breast feeding and pumping and changing diapers and going to doctors appointments cooking, cleaning and all the while still trying to steal a moment for myself to record a video I was determined to get back to my old self. I hadn't realized that I had to set goals in order for my creativity to flow and get organized in order to have balance in my personal life as well as my content creating. I've always been a laidback kind of girl, but in this business that type of attitude just isn't going to cut it. This is the time to rise
and grind and power through my fears and go get it! Every week I get my pen and paper and write down exactly what type of content I want to do or what I'm feeling inspired by. I set goals for all my social media platforms and though I'm not hitting my mark as of yet I'm in the right mind frame. My consistency hasn't been the best either but I'm correcting that to with setting my goals I know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing and when. Also having apps to that help me get organized with publishing my content is extremely helpful as well, I can edit my phots and videos for my instagram post and set them for specific time and date and move on to my next project. Keep in my that you have to do the research and put in the foot work in order to do this line of work because no one is just going to hand you the answers.

The one thing I can say is even though my numbers aren't showing it on my platforms, doesn't mean I'm not putting in the work. As the saying goes scared money don't make no money. In this line of work you don't clock in and out like a normal 9--5, you're up when everyone is sleeping creating and writing as I am now at 3 am. We have to set our minds up for the success we want out of this life and that requires us working harder than we've ever work for anything in our lives. It takes a lot of patience and time to create just one video, post, story, igtvs or reel let along taking photos and write a blog too. As my girl Notorious Kia said; " the level of Discipline, Accountability, Focus, Drive and Passion you have to have to do it is Top Tier." You're literally a one person production company.
The one thing I have to start doing is looking at my social outlets as my digital platforms, understanding that the world and possible brands are watching that I would like to work with one day. In order for that to happen there are a few things I must do first. Every post has to be thought out and purposeful, it does me no good to throw up random pictures that aren't telling a story. The only way to avoid that is always having creative and engaging content for my audience to view. Now I'll be the first to admit that back in the day I was posting whatever random stuff I was doing in my life and at the time my page was a personal profile but I've since switched to a business/creator profile and I've been trying to clean up my page to reflect as such. Now I'm not saying don't be yourself or post about your life I'm just making sure that it represents me organically and tells my story as me and the people I love. People thrive off of knowing about you personally but you don't have put your whole life out on the net to be seen, give what you want to give and always stay true to yourself and your content will always come across organic and
engaging. The one thing that I must become very good at is having CONSISTENCY it is key in this field, I have to start posting on my platforms on a regular basis and when I say that I am because that's what my audience will be looking for on those scheduled days. That's where the app planning and planners come in handy getting all my work edited and scheduled out that will keep me consistent for sure. Im still trying to balance my mom life and being a full time creator but I'll definitely get it down to a science. Also I would like to add that since this is my resume then that means I need to sharpen my negotiating skills, become knowledgable of what to ask for and what not to except. This brings me to customer service skills which I am providing a service by selling my brand so this will need to be a skill that is sharp as a tack! This is the year to go hard for ourselves so don't stop until we see our name in lights. So I hope that I was able to at least motivate one person if not a few to start this level up journey with me if this is your interest or even if its not you can still use these tips to organize and better any profession you choose.
